Embody centered accountability. Release emotions with Qi Gong. Align your actions with what you deeply care about.

Watch Intro Video


What we'll learn:

  • 1


    • Welcome to Accountability Mapping

    • Envisioning Accountability as a Liberatory Practice

  • 2

    Before We Start

    • Goals

    • How to Navigate This Workshop

    • Accessibility

    • Disclaimer

  • 3

    Healing Justice + Lineage

    • About Daria

    • Lineage

    • Transformative Justice: A brief summary

    • Healing Justice: The Legacy of Lincoln Detox Center

    • Healing Justice: Xenophobia and Anti-Asian Racism

  • 4

    What is Accountability?

    • Understanding Accountability

    • Building Accountable Communities

  • 5

    Qi Gong: Finding Our Center

    • Energetic Anatomy

    • Centering Practice (seated)

  • 6

    Qi Gong: Clearing Our Energy

    • Energy flow in the nervous system

    • "Pulling Down the Heavens"

    • Getting ready to practice

    • Energy clearing practice series (standing)

    • Getting ready to practice (seated)

    • Energy clearning + centering (seated)

  • 7

    Our Windows of Tolerance

    • Intro to Our Windows

    • Exploring Deeper

    • Quiz: Navigating Our Windows

  • 8

    Qi Gong: Release Blocked Emotions Through Sound

    • Intro

    • The Six Healing Sounds Practice

    • Using the sounds to release emotions

    • Quiz: Which healing sound?

    • Downloadable Cheat Sheet

  • 9

    Accountability: Over, Under and Centered

    • Centered Accountability Model

    • Under Accountability

    • Over Accountability

    • Centered Accountability

  • 10

    Our Wise Automatic Survival Responses

    • Our wise automatic survival responses

    • Fight and Flight

    • Freeze and Appease/Please/Fawn

    • Dissociate and Collapse/Submit

    • Re-wiring our nervous system towards choice

    • Quiz: Which survival response?

  • 11

    Mapping Our Nervous System

    • Intro

    • Observing our defaults (visual cue)

    • Noticing our defaults (auditory cue)

    • Final Reflection

  • 12

    Bringing it all together

    • Intro

    • Under Accountability via Flight

    • Under Accountability via Freeze

    • Under Accountability via Fight

    • Over Accountability via Appease

    • Over Accountability via Collapse

    • Getting ready for Centered Accountability

    • Centered Accountability Practice

  • 13

    We are now complete!

    • Where do we go from here?

    • Completion

    • Please take this 3 question survey!

    • TJ Learning Resources